Connect Your Summer

From June 1 to August 17, 2016, whenever you read, attend a library program, or do an activity in the library, come here to claim your badges. Claiming badges online makes you eligible for prizes!

Ready to get started? Here’s how to participate in Connect Your Summer 2016!

Important upcoming dates:

August 17: Last day to claim badges (9 PM)
August 20: CYS Final Party!

When you're ready, click on a badge to see suggested reading lists and programs for that badge.

A wild badge appeared!

Share your feedback and help shape the future of Connect Your Summer! Complete our short, 5-minute survey in order to unlock your Lab Rat badge.
Complete the Survey

Super Bookworm Path On the Scene Path eLectrified Path Mega Badges
Earn badges by reading Earn badges by coming to a library event or participating in an activity Earn badges by checking out eMedia like eBooks, materials like DVDs, or using one of our online resources When you earn a badge along each of the three paths, you unlock the mega badge!